Video card Dataland AMD Radeon R9 370 - PCI-Ex 4096MB GDDR5 (256bit) (985/5700) (2xDVI, HDMI, DisplayPort)
Basic Information
Graphics processor streaming processors: 1024
28 nm Generation GCN architecture
Core frequency 985 MHz
PCI-Express 3.0 interface
Memory 256 MB of memory
GDDR5 Memory type
5700 MHz, effective.
4 GB
Displays Up to 3 connections
Outputs 1 x DVI-I
1 x DVI-D
1 x HDMI
1 x DisplayPort
Resolution DisplayPort Resolution 4096X2160 pixels
Resolution Dual Link DVI 2560x1600 pixels
Resolution Single Link DVI 1920x1200 pixels
Resolution HDMI 4096X2160
The OpenGL® 4.4
OpenCL 2.0
DirectX® 12
Shader Model 5.0
AMD CrossFire Technology
AMD PowerTune Technology
AMD ZeroCore Power Technology
AMD Eyefinity Technology
Video Codec Engine (VCE)
AMD HD3D Technology
Condensers with a service life of 16000 hours
Black Diamond Chokes
Intelligent fan control system
AMD Virtual Super Resolution (VSR)
Universal video decoder (UVD)
Cooling Dual-X fans
Form Factor It takes 2 slots
Power consumption 150W
Operating system Windows 10 Windows 8 / 8.1 Windows 7
System requirements Power supply 500 W (recommended)
1 x 6-pin power cables
2 x 6-pin power cables for CrossFire
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM to install the software.
A computer with a motherboard equipped with a PCI Express® X16 slot 2.0 and higher.